The overall goal of Health Care Services is to acquire unique operating and innovative technology companies in various markets to increase the value of Project360. The recent past and present has shown us that health and medical technologies have revolutionized the way we live and improve our living conditions for the health of individuals and the general population. Project360 strives to combine its marketing, sales and business development expertise with leading and leading companies in a variety of fields to provide shareholders with the world’s best healthcare and significant long-term financial growth. Project360 strives to reach companies with growing businesses or novel medical and healthcare technologies, including digital health and medical devices. We will expand this business through existing partnerships and networks within the private sector, academic institutions, hospitals and incubators whose businesses and / or products will be launched in the market and / or R & D phase. Project360 will provide the leadership and expertise to drive these companies’ growth and ensure market success through resource and financial leadership. The partnerships will also support logistics for the completion of research and development for new technologies and competitive market entry.